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Our Classes

Yoga. Pilates. Aerial. Strength.

Timetable Feb.png

When deciding which class is right for you, there are a few things to consider


  1. Level of experience with yoga, pilates or other movement class

  2. General fitness, wether you currently have any health conditions or physical limitations (injury) that may impact your practice?

  3. What style of class are you looking for ? (Gentle and soothing or Strong and Dynamic, or perhaps something in between)


We are always happy to help, please do reach out if you have any questions, or feel you need a more personal suggestion based on your needs. 


Class level descriptions are listed below, please be advised these descriptions are only a guidance and we encourage you to read the individual class descriptions for a deeper understanding of what to expect from each class.  Some classes may fall between two levels, in which case it is up to you to decide if you think it will be suitable for you. 


All Levels 

These classes are suitable for all experience levels, beginners to advanced, we advise you read the class description to ensure that the individual class is suited to your personal needs. 


Level 1 

Suitable for All levels and particularly good for beginners, no experience is necessary, Often these classes are slower paced or more gentle, with extra detail in cueing, enabling you to become more familiar with the practice.

You may desire these classes if you’re looking to unwind and relax. For example Level 1 would be used to describe a Yin Yoga or Restorative Class that the experienced may still want to attend.


Level 2 

Some previous experience would be beneficial,These classes may be at a steadier/more fluid pace than Level 1.

These classes may involve more challenging elements that could be more physically demanding. Typically good for getting your body moving


Level 3 

Experienced Students / Those with a regular practice. These classes will be physically more demanding than Levels 1 and 2.

Not suitable for the absolute beginner.

Flow based classes at this level will be quicker in pace and more dynamic. 

Strong variations of poses may be explored ie; binds, inversions and arm balances.

Class Descriptions & Levels 

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